Seismic Refraction & Surface Wave Profiling
Services We Provide
- Subsurface Profiling
- Depth to Bedrock Verification
- Rippability
- Seismic Site Classification (Vs30)
- Landfill Profiling
- Below Grade Anomaly Analysis
- Liquefaction Analysis
- Depth to Groundwater

Seismic Field Methods
Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) The seismic survey consists of surface waves dispersion analysis using Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves methods, which provides 1D/2D velocity profiles that can be used to identify bedrock, unconsolidated layers (weak layers or anomalies) within the soil/rock strata and determine seismic site classification.
- Microtremor Array Measurements (MAM)The seismic survey consists of passive source surface wave dispersion analysis using Microtremor Array Measurement methods. Passive sources include wind, roadway noise and vibrations to propagate through the soil/rock strata to supplement MASW readings with 1D profiles and to extend the depths of the seismic exploration.
P-Wave (compression)The seismic surveys consisted of compression waves with the use of seismic refraction methos to provide 2D P-Wave velocity profiles of the underlying strata. Advantages include depth to bedrock determination and material correlations for rippability in the field.

Service Advantages
Our abilities to use seismic refraction and surface wave profiling as a standalone service or in conjunction with our traditional geotechnical drilling and borehole logging services gives GEOMAT the advantage of extensive subsurface site characterization without the cost of additional mobilization.
Our location of service include: New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and west Texas. Call 505-327-7928 for more information.